Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The World is Awakening

As we can see from the various quotes, articles and books that I have listed in this blog, there are a number of people and groups who are groping toward a new understanding. In their respective areas they are bumping up against the limits of their field of study and are dimly perceiving that there is more to the total of reality. This awareness often takes the form of paradoxes and oddities. These paradoxes stem from the dim realization that the questions which they have, cannot be answered by reference to just the level they have been considering.
For example the plenum is a recognition (albeit a dim one) of the fact that there is an invisible level of reality that permeates and influences (directs) the physical level.
Different people have given this different names, such as plenum (zero point field, quantum vacuum), akashic record (akashic field), astral plane, morphogenetic field, ether (etheric body), collective conscious, collective unconscious, holographic field, the Field, implicate order, subtle body etc.
So in various ways and in various areas there is an awakening.
To call it an "awakening" is both helpful and misleading. It is helpful in the sense that there is a growing realization that there is something more and that it is significant. It is misleading because it is not an actual awakening to the reality of it but a "knowing about" it from a distance.

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