Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Conection with Archetypes and Astrology

There is an important connection to astrology and archetypes.
Here are some helpful links:
"The basic principle of astrology is that the planets have a fundamental, cosmically based connection to specific archetypal forces or principles which influence human existence, and that the patterns formed by the planets in the heavens bear a meaningful correspondence to the patterns of human affairs on the Earth. In terms of individuals, the positions of the planets at the time and place of a person's birth are regarded as corresponding to the basic archetypal patterns of that person's life and character.
Astrology makes possible a further understanding of one's life—its cycles, its ups and downs, the crises and the breakthroughs, the periods of major change and transformation—through the study of transits. Transits occur when the planets currently in the sky form certain geometrical patterns with respect to the planetary positions at one's birth. The nature of those patterns--which planets are involved and how they are positioned—appears to correlate in a strikingly consistent way with the archetypal character of the experiences one tends to have at that time."

"Imagine, for a moment, that you are the universe. But for the purposes of this thought experiment, let us imagine that you are not the disenchanted mechanistic universe of conventional modern cosmology, but rather a deep-souled, subtly mysterious cosmos of great spiritual beauty and creative intelligence. And imagine that you are being approached by two different epistemologies—two suitors, as it were, who seek to know you. To whom would you open your deepest secrets? To which approach would you be most likely to reveal your authentic nature? Would you open most deeply to the suitor—the epistemology, the way of knowing—who approached you as though you were essentially lacking in intelligence or purpose, as though you had no interior dimension to speak of, no spiritual capacity or value; who thus saw you as fundamentally inferior to himself (let us give the two suitors, not entirely arbitrarily, the traditional masculine gender); who related to you as though your existence were valuable primarily to the extent that he could develop and exploit your resources to satisfy his various needs; and whose motivation for knowing you was ultimately driven by a desire for increased intellectual mastery, predictive certainty, and efficient control over you for his own self-enhancement?
Or would you, the cosmos, open yourself most deeply to that suitor who viewed you as being at least as intelligent and noble, as worthy a being, as permeated with mind and soul, as imbued with moral aspiration and purpose, as endowed with spiritual depths and mystery, as he? This suitor seeks to know you not that he might better exploit you but rather to unite with you and thereby bring forth something new, a creative synthesis emerging from both of your depths. "


  1. I like the point about approach (the two epostemologies/suitors) to the universe. This approach to the universe which is often unspoken, is the basis our whole way of life, from the individual, to our personal relationships, to our families and communities, and throughout our whole society.

  2. I agree.
    And particularly if I see that I am a part of that living universe - not independent from it, not independent from the other parts.
    In that worldview, I realize that we are all inter-connected, as the parts of our body are all connected as parts of us. And each part plays an essential function.
