Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Light Bridges the Gap

How does light connect levels of reality? Here is a likely mechanism:
Evidence is presented for existing and hypothetical structures and functions which 'bridge the explanatory gap' to mechanistically explain how individual consciousnesses could be derived from a higher (God) consciousness through an interface created in the brain by endogenous (emitted from within) light. It is hypothesized that photons emitted from cells in the brain are guided to the surfaces of the brain's fluid-filled ventricular spaces, where the photons interact with beating cilia lining those ventricles and are guided by the beat timing to form interference patterns in the ventricular spaces, creating an interface (a nexus) through which a tiny portion of the "light of God" is able to animate the corpus. Some of the necessary mechanisms such as light emissions from cells are known; others are hypothetical. Fortunately some of the hypothesized mechanisms of this model of consciousness are readily testable." (Karl E. Simanonok)

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